Bonny Flowers, is a Life Design Coach for Professional Women who have found life has led them down a path of burnout, exhaustion, and overwhelm, and they sometimes don’t even realise how it even got this way.

These women are now living in ways which they deep down know are not helpful for them, but their day-to-day routines are somehow just getting them by. Bonny works with these women to redesign their life, without having to walk away from everything.

Having worked in the field of changing lives for over 25 years starting out as a Registered Nurse, then transitioning to becoming a Counsellor, to starting her own business that helps people change their lives,

Bonny has helped professionals and high achievers from all walks of life, from those with self-esteem challenges, relationship challenges, addiction challenges, anxiety and stress challenges, and even health challenges that can arise from the unhealthy relationship that develops within someone when they become out of balance.

After living a life that has thrown challenges her way, Bonny learnt how to create a work/life relationship that leaves her passionate and fulfilled on many levels, and she’s passionate about helping other women do the same.

When Bonny is not helping people, you’ll find her out on the golf course, travelling around the world, spending time with her children, or learning a new skill.